A view of the Inpatient Unit and dedicated Children's Room from outside in the hospice garden.

Frequently asked questions

Find out more about St John’s and the care we provide by exploring our list of frequently asked questions.

Your questions answered

We appreciate that if you or a loved one has been recently referred to us that you might have a lot of questions about our hospice and the care we can provide. That is why we have tried to put together a list of our most frequently asked questions.

If you cannot find the answer to your question, please contact us at Hospice.Info@hje.org.uk or on 020 7806 4040. We’re always happy to help.


Are hospices just for people who have a few weeks to live?
What does palliative care mean?
Is palliative care the same as end-of-life care?
What does holistic care mean?
Do you only care for people with cancer?
How much does your care cost?
How do I get referred?
How do I get to the hospice?
Is there parking?
I do not have a fixed address or I have no recourse to public funds; can you still support me?
What if English is not my first language?
Can you support me in planning my funeral and writing a Will?
What support can I get at home?
Will the St John’s Community and Hospice@Home teams take over from my GP or district nurse?

Inpatient care

How long will I stay at the Inpatient Unit?
Will I have a private room?
What should I bring with me?
What about my meals?
Can I smoke at the hospice?
When can my visitors come?
What happens if I am anxious about going home?


Can I choose my Healthcare Assistant?
Can my Healthcare Assistant help with household jobs?
Can my Healthcare Assistant take me out?
Can Hospice@Home be provided for more than 2 weeks?
Can I pay for a Healthcare Assistant to provide additional care?
Do I need to provide refreshments for my Healthcare Assistant?
Will my Healthcare Assistant be sleeping at night?
Will my Healthcare Assistant speak the same language as me?
Can I continue to smoke while receiving Hospice@Home care?
Can I receive Hospice@Home if I have a pet/s?

Lymphoedema care

What is lymphoedema?
Why does it happen?
What are the signs?
How can I reduce the risk of developing lymphoedema?
Why have I been prescribed compression garments?
Why should I maintain a healthy weight as someone with lymphoedema?
How long will I receive lymphoedema care?

Bereavement support

I am bereaved, how can you support me?
How long will I need bereavement support?
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