A St John's physiotherapist gives one-to-one support to a patient rebuilding strength in their legs.


With our wide range of therapies we can help you maintain or rebuild your strength and independence as well as supporting your physical needs and mental health and overall wellbeing.

Therapies at St John's

Our specialist occupational therapists and physiotherapists are here to support you through the everyday challenges you face as a result of your illness, supporting your physical needs, mental health and overall wellbeing.

They can help you to maintain or rebuild your strength, provide advice on aids and adaptions to your home and look at equipment, enabling you to live as independently and fully as possible. They can support you at our Inpatient Unit and Wellbeing Centre in St John’s Wood or by visiting you at home.

We also offer a range of complementary therapies including massage, reiki, reflexology and acupuncture which can further improve your wellbeing, reduce feelings of stress or anxiety, and help to relieve some of your pain and symptoms. These therapies are also extended to your family members and carers.

What we can offer you


Our physiotherapists can support you to maintain or rebuild strength and mobility and to live as independently and fully as possible. They will work with you to set a plan towards realistic and achievable goals and provide specialist advice and guidance in one-to-one sessions or group settings.

They also provide support with managing day-to-day activities which can include providing you with specific equipment. They also support patients struggling with breathlessness. Often they will work closely with our occupational therapists to support you.

Occupational therapy

Our occupational therapists are here to support your overall wellbeing, supporting your physical and mental health and providing advice and equipment to enable you to live as independently and fully as possible. They will work with you to understand what is important to you and will create a treatment plan with realistic and achievable goals. They may visit you at home, on the Inpatient Unit or at our day services.

They can provide advice on aids and adaptions to your home and look at equipment to enable you to continue your day-to-day activities as normally as possible. They can also provide advice on lifestyle changes and give you techniques to help you cope with and manage symptoms relating to your illness such as breathlessness and fatigue as well as feelings of stress, anxiety and frustration. Often they will work closely with our physiotherapists to support you.

Complementary therapy

We believe that complementary therapies can work together with medical and nursing care to improve your wellbeing, reduce anxiety, stress and fatigue, relieve some of your symptoms and aid mobility.

We offer a range of complementary therapies including massage, reiki, reflexology and acupuncture. We also extend these therapies to your family members and carers.

Complementary Therapist, Renate, massages a patient's feet in one of the lilac therapy rooms.

“The therapies are out of this world."

"I started off with acupuncture, and then I moved on to having massages on my legs and feet which I have found to be a great help.

You can just switch off from the world, be alone with your thoughts, or chat with the therapist about what's on your mind.”

Christine, Patient

Who we care for

We recognise that illness does not discriminate - it affects people regardless of their age, gender, ethnicity, sexuality or beliefs. We care for any person living with a life-limiting illness - including cardiac, respiratory, or renal conditions, HIV, cancer, motor neurone disease, multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's - and at different stages of their illness.

We do not exclude people who might have learning disabilities, a history of mental health or substance use. We can also support you if you have no fixed abode or limited immigration status. All of the therapies we provide are completely free of charge and available to anyone aged 18 or over living within our service catchment area.

How you can access our therapies

Our physiotherapy, occupational therapies and complementary therapies are offered to patients using other services and their loved ones. As such, you must already be known to our team to access these therapies.

Get in touch

If you have any questions about how we can support you and those close to you, please contact our therapies team by emailing Hospice.Info@hje.org.ukor calling 020 7806 4040.

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