A mother hugs her two children and kisses the head of her daughter who is sat to her left.

Leave a gift in your will

Without gifts in wills, our work in the local community simply wouldn’t be possible. Leave a lasting legacy and help us be there for everyone who needs us, now and for years to come.

Why leave a gift in your will to St John’s?

Having a will guarantees that you can provide for your loved ones and the causes you care about in the way that you want. Once you are happy that you’ve taken care of your loved ones, you could leave a gift to St John’s, your local hospice.

Your gift would leave a lasting imprint on your community and help to ensure that we can be there for everyone who needs us, now and for years to come.

Planning your digital legacy

In today’s world, planning your digital legacy should be an important aspect of your overall legacy planning. What would you like to happen to your email addresses, social media profiles, and the photos and videos you have stored in the cloud? We’ve created a helpful checklist to get you thinking about the future of all your digital assets.

Find out more

“I will always be grateful to the hospice.”

“The care given to my sister Rosalind was sensitive and imaginative, the pain control was very well judged, and the welcome given to her family and friends was genuinely warm. I could go on about how much I love and appreciate St John’s, and I’m glad I’m able to show this by remembering them in my will."

Carol, Legator.

Frequently asked questions

Leaving a gift in your will is a big decision and we're sure that you'll have lots of questions, especially if you haven’t yet written a will. Below you can find some of the questions we are most frequently asked.

We have also made a gifts in wills glossary to help you navigate some of the more complex legal language which is commonly used.

Why should I make a will?
When should I make a will?
What if I die without making a will?
What can I leave as a gift in my will?
What information do I need to include when leaving a gift to St John’s?
Do I need to be wealthy to leave a gift?
Will my gift to St John’s be subject to tax?
Can you help me write my will?
How do I write a will for free?
Do I have to leave a gift to St John’s if I use your free will service?
Does St John’s take part in Free Wills Month?
How can I amend my will to leave a gift?
Can I have a say in how my gift is spent?
Do I need to tell you if I've left a gift to St John’s in my will?
Can I change my mind?

Get in touch

If you have further questions about leaving a gift in your will and the impact your gift could have please get in touch with Sophie at sophie.gray@hje.org.uk or on 020 7806 4011. We’re always happy to help!

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