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Without gifts in wills, our work in the local community simply wouldn’t be possible. Leave a lasting legacy and help us be there for everyone who needs us, now and for years to come.
Why leave a gift in your will to St John’s?
Having a will guarantees that you can provide for your loved ones and the causes you care about in the way that you want. Once you are happy that you’ve taken care of your loved ones, you could leave a gift to St John’s, your local hospice.
Your gift would leave a lasting imprint on your community and help to ensure that we can be there for everyone who needs us, now and for years to come.
In today’s world, planning your digital legacy should be an important aspect of your overall legacy planning. What would you like to happen to your email addresses, social media profiles, and the photos and videos you have stored in the cloud? We’ve created a helpful checklist to get you thinking about the future of all your digital assets.
“The care given to my sister Rosalind was sensitive and imaginative, the pain control was very well judged, and the welcome given to her family and friends was genuinely warm. I could go on about how much I love and appreciate St John’s, and I’m glad I’m able to show this by remembering them in my will."
Carol, Legator.
Frequently asked questions
Leaving a gift in your will is a big decision and we're sure that you'll have lots of questions, especially if you haven’t yet written a will. Below you can find some of the questions we are most frequently asked.
We have also made a gifts in wills glossary to help you navigate some of the more complex legal language which is commonly used.
Why should I make a will?
Having a will is the only way to ensure that your loved ones and the causes that you care about are supported in the way that you want. A will specifies how you would like your estate (property & money) to be distributed after you die.
If you die without a will, there are certain rules which dictate how your money, property or possessions should be allocated. This may not be distributed in the way that you would have wished. This could mean that your estate passes to individuals you had not intended to benefit, or that a person you wanted to support received nothing. A will can also specify any wishes about the future care and guardians of your children or pets.
When should I make a will?
Any adult over the age of 18 should consider making a will. If you’re not sure where to start, using our free-will writing service (Bequeathed) is a great way to get the ball rolling.
What if I die without making a will?
If you die without a will, there are certain rules which dictate how your money, property or possessions should be allocated. These are called the rules of intestacy. This may not be distributed in the way that you would have wished.
You can access more information on intestacy and who is entitled to a share of someone’s money, property and possessions if they die without making a will through the HMRC website.
What can I leave as a gift in my will?
There are three types of gifts you can leave to us:
Pecuniary gifts are specified sums of money, often referred to as cash gifts.
Residual gifts are a percentage of total value of your estate, after the cash gifts and specific items have been distributed.
Specific gifts are things you own, such as jewellery, items of furniture or your house.
What information do I need to include when leaving a gift to St John’s?
To make sure we receive your gift, you'll need to include our name, address and registered charity number.
Name: St John’s Hospice (SS John & Elizabeth Charity)
Address: St John’s Hospice, 60 Grove End Road, London, NW8 9NH
Registered charity number: 235822
Do I need to be wealthy to leave a gift?
Not at all. After taking care of your loved ones, even leaving a small gift in a will could help to make a huge impact on our hospice. We’d appreciate a gift of any size.
Will my gift to St John’s be subject to tax?
Most charity gifts are exempt from tax, allowing us to receive the full amount. Additionally, your gift may reduce the total value of your estate below the Inheritance Tax threshold. We recommend you talk to a solicitor for more details on tax exemptions and benefits or visit the HMRC website for more information.
Can you help me write my will?
We would always recommend that you speak to a solicitor or will writer directly to ensure that all of your wishes are written down as you wish and that your will is legally correct.
We have created a handy step-by-step guide to get the ball rolling. Alternatively, we have partnered with will-writing experts, Bequeathed, who are on hand to help you write a basic will for free.
Do I have to leave a gift to St John’s if I use your free will service?
You are under absolutely no obligation to leave money to St John’s in your free will. While we are truly grateful for any individuals who choose to do so, we would not expect this. The most important part of you writing a will is that your wishes are carried out and your estate is distributed however you would like it to be.
Does St John’s take part in Free Wills Month?
We participate in Free Wills Month in March and October. In March 2025, we will be hosting free will events online and at our Wellbeing Centre, with more details to follow soon.
Additionally, through our partnership with Bequeathed, we offer a free online will service available year-round. You can learn more about Bequeathed here.
How can I amend my will to leave a gift?
If you already have a will and would like to amend it to leave a gift to our charity, please do not do this yourself, as doing so will invalidate it.
Instead, you can write a codicil, which is a document that modifies (rather than replaces) a will. The codicil must adhere to the same legal requirements as the original will. Additionally, it must be signed by two witnesses who do not benefit from the will in any way. It is now more common to rewrite the entire will, as improperly written or witnessed codicils can negatively impact the validity of the will. To discuss this further, please consult your solicitor or will writing service.
Yes, you can. Whilst we particularly appreciate legacies that can be used for general hospice purposes, we are also very happy to accept gifts for particular use. That means you can have a say in how your gift is spent such as on a particular project or in a particular area of our care such as the Inpatient Unit, our new Wellbeing Centre, or our community services.
If you have a specific purpose in mind for how the hospice should use your legacy gift, it is always helpful for us to discuss this with you to ensure that your wishes can be fulfilled in the best manner possible.
Do I need to tell you if I've left a gift to St John’s in my will?
That's up to you. If you have remembered St John’s in your will, we would of course love to hear from you. Not only will this help us make plans for the future of our hospice, but it also means we can thank you properly. Any information you give us will be kept in strict confidence and you can change your mind at any time.
Yes, you can. A will is a very personal document that reflects your final wishes. You're free to change your mind at any time. Just contact your solicitor or will writing service to make any changes.
Get in touch
If you have further questions about leaving a gift in your will and the impact your gift could have please get in touch with Sophie at or on 020 7806 4011. We’re always happy to help!